City Adsearch’s mission is to help people discover great local businesses and foster strong communities. Your contributions help make that possible. To ensure City Adsearch remains a helpful and respectful platform, we ask all users to adhere to the following content guidelines:
We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these guidelines or our Terms of Service at our discretion. Please report any violations you see to help us keep City AdSearch a trustworthy and helpful resource for all.
By contributing to City AdSearch, you agree to abide by these guidelines and our Terms of Service. Thank you for helping us build a great local community!
Our community at City AdSearch thrives on the real, personal experiences shared by users like you. Your reviews contribute to a wealth of knowledge that helps others discover the best local businesses. To ensure the quality and reliability of these reviews, we have established the following guidelines:
City AdSearch reserves the right to remove reviews that do not adhere to these guidelines or our Terms of Service. We rely on our community members to report content that violates these guidelines.
Thank you for your contributions and for helping City AdSearch remain a trustworthy and reliable resource for local business discovery.
Welcome to the City AdSearch community! We are dedicated to maintaining an inclusive and respectful platform that allows users to discover and engage with local businesses. To uphold this commitment, we request that all users follow these Community Guidelines:
City AdSearch reserves the right to moderate the community and enforce these guidelines as we see fit. This may involve content removal, user warnings, or account suspension in cases of repeated or severe violations.
By joining and participating in the City AdSearch community, you agree to adhere to these guidelines, ensuring a respectful and positive environment for all. Thank you for your cooperation and for contributing to the City AdSearch community!
Last updated: June 4, 2023